South Carolina BMX Banquet

Presented by all SC ABA Track Directors

February 27, 2005


2004 was another great year for BMX in the Palmetto State.  As always the SC ABA Track Directors got together and hosted our annual Banquet at the Simpsonville Rec. Center.  There was a large crowd on hand as awards were given, prizes given to every present rider, and even a special presentation of appreciation to Donnie Ballew, SC's longest serving Track Director.

Congratulations go out to our District Champs: Boys-Zachary Miller; Girls-Courtney Thompson; Cruiser-Donnie Ballew; Girl Cruiser-Debbie Chapman

Thanks to Schanewolf's Cycle Sports, Simpsonville Rec. Dept., All those great cooks who brought dishes, All SC ABA Track Directors (Donnie Ballew, Danny & Sandra Brock, Paul & Catherine Zahn, and Mickey Stanley), All SC Riders, and the Parents who support them.

Let's Make 2005 Even Better!


Janie & Terry


Sittin' in the Back Row


Let's Give it All Away


The Dad's


The Crowd


Paul Watches the Presentation


The Other Crowd


The Ladies


Thanks Donnie!


For Years of Service!


And Every Thing You Do!


See you at the '05 Grand's!



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